Saturday, December 20, 2014

Coming Soon...

I went ahead and bought this:

Yes, It's a cheap one, but it is for experimentation and I can't afford to drop a lot of money for a  better product. Another factor in choosing this one was that it comes with 3 different rings, so I have a better chance to fit.

It says that it is made of stainless steel, but I honestly don't think that's the case. I guess I'll see those stains pretty soon, if there are any.

This should arrive before Christmas, according to the tracking number.

My intention is to show it to Miss V on Christmas Day and start using it, but to keep the key with me until I'm sure of a proper fit. Later, I'll hand her the key and the lock, and ask her to lock it up.  I shiver when I think of the sound of the lock clicking shut.

Evidently, I'll have to discuss a few things with V first. Her concerns before had been few, and I present them in the order she mentioned them to me.

  • She did not want to buy it herself (the first thing out of her mouth when I asked her for one was "can't you buy it yourself?"
  • Why metal? She was wondering if it would be too hard, if it will hurt or if it is too ugly. I talked to her about plastic and silicone, and I think she understood why I wanted metal.
  • What would happen if we are separated too long. She asked me what would happen if I am locked and she goes away for the week. I don't think I was too successful at explaining this one, but we need to agree on the use of an emergency lock, obviously, because I need to be able to unlock if there is an emergency, I think this will only become an issue with extended use, and not if the device only sees limited use, as I see it.
Well, the worst thing that can happen is that she decides that she hates the thing and rejects it outright. I think she has given me implicit consent to get one, and there will not be any major trouble other than an unused cheap chastity device.

The other "bad"thing that could happen is that she likes it too much and I become a long term user... I qualify that because I have this fantasy, but have never experienced the reality of it, so it may be different. 

I might post a first impressions review when I receive the package (depending on whether I think there is anything interesting to say), and probably a post describing the testing phase. If I get locked up by V, I'll definitely post about that.

Wish me luck...

On another note, There is a new post in the Victoria's Playground blog. It is called Victoria's Gift to Me and discusses part of what the dominant woman brings to the table in my version of a Male Chastity Relationship.  

So far, there has not been much interest or activity on that blog, but I'm `planning to keep working on it for a while at least, because it is helping me put together my thoughts about this subject.   

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