Monday, September 23, 2013

Reason 3 of 12: I enjoy a heightened state of energy and awareness

Recently, while enjoying some time off, I had time to think about why I want orgasm control and came up with a list of 12 reasons. These reasons were listed in the order they came to mind, which may or may not follow a logical order. After posting that list, I thought it would be a good exercise to post a brief explanation of each one of them, here is reason number 3.

Instinct may play a diminished role in modern-day humans, but our physical bodies are equipped with the capacity to focus on what they consider lacking. Have you ever notice how when you are hungry, your sense of smell seems enhanced? The most deliciously torturous smells of food are those who reach you when you are starving. Taste is enhanced as well, and food does indeed taste better when you are hungry.
The opposite of this is also true.
After eating, if you ate enough, your senses become dull to the stimuli of food smells and tastes, and if you really overdo it, you may find yourself suddenly disgusted at what earlier was a delicate, enticing aroma.
When you crave for an orgasm, your senses become aroused to the touch, smell, and look of the human female. You feel a jolt of energy coursing through your body, you feel more awake, more alive, more energetic. All this is part of what your body does to ensure reproduction (hush, don't tell it that sex is not ONLY for reproductive purposes).
When I'm denied an orgasm, I feel stronger. I feel healthier, more motivated and alert. My senses tingle when I detect the smell of my mate, an her touch is glorious to me. I feel, as I mentioned in an older post, more in control of the situation (which is ironic, being that this state of mind is inflicted upon me by another) and more in control of my body (also ironic).
On the opposite end of the orgasm, I feel lethargic, lazy, fog-brained, tired...
So, as long as the denial is not too excessive, guess on which side of my orgasms I want to be?

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