Monday, January 11, 2010


It was our wedding anniversary this week.

I took my Mistress to a nice restaurant. she was very happy with the place. It was the most romantic dinner we have ever had.

After dinner, we were going to the movies, but Mistress said she was tired and wanted to go back to the house, unless I "really wanted to go to the movies". Of course I told her that we'd go home as she wished.

At home we cuddled to a movie. We had sex earlier in the day, so it was not an expectation at this time.
When we had sex, she pulled a head massager and used it on me. The head massager makes my body tingle with pleasure as she uses it on my head and she calls it "torture" so I feel submissive as she uses it on me. She also loves it when I use it on her, so I also did. It is an amazing little toy and it's very powerful, especially is you consider that it costs so little. You can get it from Amazon for a little over $10.00, but a friend bought one for me from a store called Bed Bath & Beyond for only $3.99 and it's the same exact model. (Amazon has others). If the picture is not visible, just know that it is not an electric "toy" but a wire thing that looks like an egg beater that has been cut open at the ends (and those ends dipped in plastic to eliminate their sharp edges)
I don't know when my Mistress will offer or ask for "torture" again, but it now has a privileged spot by our bed side table.
If only I could muster the strength to serve my Mistress better...
By the way, this very night I was denied sex by her, not in a very dominant way, but not in an apologetic tone either. She simply said "I am going to sleep now, honey" and I accepted it as her will, even though I want her bad. She usually tells me that I can "take her" in the morning, but that is usually a short endeavor with ehr being basically passive, so I don't really favor it unless I'm very horny. Also, during the week, I don't really have much time or energy in the early mornings.
I may or may not "take her" tomorrow morning.

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