Monday, January 23, 2012

A misunderstanding and a promise...

My wife is getting more comfortable denying me lately. The other day we talked and she told me she had noticed that our little 'arrangement' was not working as much as she wanted and that she would think of how to make it work better. I didn't try to give her ideas, although I have many, because it is probably the first time she suggests changes to what has up until now been mostly my initiative.

All I asked was "How is it working for you?"

She answered so quickly and coherently that I know she had been thinking about it.

"Oh," she said leaning back against her pillows. "It is working for me very well. I like it because you know what our mother's teach us about doing everything that the man wants so he won't leave you? All these things about your 'needs' as a man and all that?"

"Yes," I said, but the tone cracked up and went up at the end, making it sound like a question.

"Well, you have given me permission to not have to do anything I don't want to, and now I feel like I can do it whenever I really want to, and maybe because if that, I am enjoying my orgasms more than I used to."

I didn't have time to talk anymore, but her choice of the word 'permission' made me think deeply about denial, dominance and the consent that the submissive gives to his dominant, but that may be fodder for another post.

Getting back to the topic at hand, my wife had me work out three days in a row while still being denied, on one of the days she declared that I had not worked out, because she "said so," even though she knew I had, and ordered me to give her a massage.

It was bliss.

On the third night, she told me to wake her up in the morning, which I eagerly did. After she had enjoyed three orgasms (I didn't really know, she bragged about it later) and I was about to have a big one myself, my watch alarm beeped the hour.

"Time's up, babe!" She said in a sexy voice while still pulling me closer and deeper and deeper.

This is where I misunderstood. Because of her tone of voice and body language, and maybe also because I was so close to the edge I could not think clearly, I thought she was telling me that it was getting late and I should finish right away. That is exactly what I did, finished on what I thought was her command, in a sudden gasp, even after only three days of denial.

We didn't have much time for cuddling or bask in each other's warmth, because both had to leave, so we set up to get ready.

"I was doing you a favor," she said suddenly.

"Huh?" I answered, in typical male-after-sex way.

"I told you that the time was up so you could be energized," she said. "But you didn't stop."

I felt terrible.

Here she was, accepting what I had told her that being denied energized me, knowing full well that in stopping me she was doing me a favor, and when she went ahead and did it, I just didn't listen.

"I'm so sorry, honey," I said, not knowing what else I could say to mitigate any potential damage, even though she didn't look mad and was talking to me matter-of-factly. "I didn't notice, I guess I was too involved and I just didn't understand your message."

"Don't worry," she said with a smile. "Next time, I will be stronger."

I can't wait to see what she will do "next time", which I hope will be tonight. I don't know if she will be up to anything, though, because we have both been sick, and even though we both feel better now, we are very tired.

EDIT: Nothing Happened. She was very tired and went to sleep.

NOTE: For some reason blogger is not letting me post comments again. The last time it resolved itself, so I won't worry too much, except to post this notice so you know I'm not ignoring your comments. I can still see them on the comments section , so If you have a comment, please feel free to leave it. The situation right now is this: I can't see see the individual pages of the blog, so can't comment, but I can see the main page, and I can see the comments listed in the comments section of "My Blogs" page. Interestingly enough I am having the same problem (can;t comment or see comments) with some other blogs, but not all. 


  1. Hopefully a lesson learned. It was nice to hear that your wife is going to make her wishes known more strongly next time.

    I know it's not always easy in certain situations to know exactly what's required or to stop and ask questions to clarify,but I am sure that your wife is going to make it much clearer next time. I know that Jane certainly did recently, leaving me in no doubt what was required from me and why.

    1. And suddenly the comments work for me again...

      It was a lesson learned, definitely. Now that she is convinced that her denial is desirable to me, I'm sure she will take the liberty to stop me more often.

      I think the most exciting time so far was the day she told me in advance that she was going to have me, but since I did not deserve it, she was going to stop me. That day I did my best effort to please her and when she did indeed stop me, it felt glorious.

      I want her to feel empowered to deny me even if I did all that was required of me. That's the reason I felt so bad about not stopping this time.
